Thursday, October 30, 2008

either you're here or you're not

i'm turning over a new leaf.
it's my autumn theme.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

yup, still just me.

i am writing secret messages in public. i'm hiding right here in the open. i'm telling you things right to your face, but you are missing everything.

no, you're no code breaker.
you're no meaning maker.
you're no analyzer.

this is how i remain a hermit, with all you people still around.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a robot for irony

i have fantasies of competence. i have ideas all over the place. i'm all save the world.

i'm getting back to bigger than this.

they are building a box, sure. but no one told you how to use it. maybe i got inside it, but i made holes for a robot head and arms.

knock knock

who's there?

not a teacher.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

x factor

it took me a while to remember what i was doing here
and then it was all 10:04 all over the place

a gatorade explosion.

Friday, October 24, 2008

everybody lurking everywhere

everybody's whispering in the halls
because everybody you're talking about is walking right behind you

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

welcome to the fish bowl

i miss being that back of the class kid.
that waaaaaay back of the class kid.

i miss that little fish feeling.
i miss that big pond.

Friday, October 17, 2008

i want to see where he's going with this

who are we to say that anyone's artistic interpretation is wrong? forgetting how i feel about wrongness in general (and how it doesn't really exist), but art? come on. really? i'm supposed to grade this? a three minus because he didn't comply? a two plus, even?

but it's perfectly brilliant.
perfect and brilliant.

four plus, i guess... if you're trapped in the levels.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

my name is angus

hello, princess henrietta the third.

i feel very good about this. very good indeed.

even my beak hand is talking about it. talking about it to every beak hand who'll listen.

my beak hand has a turkey's voice.

if you understand this message, you've gone insane.

you've entered my happy place.

talk to the hand, loves. talk to the hand.

i am important in my insignificance. so what if i talk to the stars?